- There once was a waitress from the Prince (of) George Hotel
- Her mistress was a lady was master was a swell
- They knew she was a simple girl and lately from a farm
- And they watched her carefully to keep her from all harm
- Chorus:
- Singing a bell bottom trousers, coats of navy blue
- Let him climb the rigging like his daddy used to do
- The 42nd fussiler came marching into town
- And with them came a complement of rapists of renown
- They busted every maiden head that came within their spell
- But they never made the waitress from the Prince George Hotel
- Chorus
- Next came a company of Prince of Wales Hussars
- They piled into a whore house they packed along the bars
- Every maid and mistress and wife before them fell
- But they never made the waitress from the Prince George Hotel
- Chorus
- One day came a sailor just an ordinary bloke
- A bulging at the trousers, a heart of solid oak
- At sea without a woman for seven years or more
- There wasn't any need to ask what he was looking for
- Chorus
- He asked her for a candlestick to light his way to bed
- He asked her for a pillow to rest his weary head
- And speaking to her gently as if he meant no harm
- He asked her to come to bed just so to keep him warm
- Chorus
- He lifted up the blanket and a moment there he lie
- He was on her. he was in her, in a twinkling of an eye
- He was out again, and in again, and plowing up a storm
- And the only word she said to him was "I hope you're keeping warm"
- Chorus
- Early in the morning the sailor he arose
- Saying here's a 2-pound note my dear for the damage I have caused
- If you have a daughter bounce her on your knee
- If you have a son send the bastard out to sea!
- Chorus
- (Extra verse)
- Now she sits beside a dock with a baby on her knee
- Waiting for a sailing ship coming a-home from sea
- Waiting for the jolly tars in Navy uniform
- All she wants to do my boys is keep the Navy warm!
znaš li kako ovo zamišljam, ženice?
ovo su ja mislim one mornarske pjesme s irskih i engleskih dokova iz pijanih mračnih krčmi uz pristanište
jedan mornar sa drvenom nogom, drugi sa povezom oko oka
treći mršavi stari mornar, sa pogledom hijene , dugim zulufima i krezav, bez pola zuba, najneomiljeniji od svih
ovaj s drvenom nogom puni lulu duvanom
dok očima prati bacanje kocki na stolu
a drvenom nogom nervozno lupka po starom brodskom podu
igra se barbut i pije vino iz bokala
dok iza njih za šankom stoji neki
sa frakom i cilindrom
koji je u ime gazde dosao da unajmi mornare za svoju lađu
i odjednom
ovaj sa povezom preko oka
uzima bendžo od gazde krčme
i počinje ovu pjesmu
kakva slika, a?